What are the 10 Benefits of Video Conferencing?

For the past 10 years, there has been a steady increase in video conferencing. Globally distributed companies shifted from in-person meetings and teleconferences to video meetings, but not all companies adapted. With the crisis that we are currently experiencing all companies were forced to adapt to the new technology and make permanent changes in behaviour, one of them being to adopt video conferencing into their everyday life.

So today I am going to give you 10 Benefits on how and why a video conferencing is going to help your Business.

Reach out to several people at the same time

Video conferencing allows you to conduct meetings with several people at the same time. You can talk and chat with people from different parts of the world at the ease of your own residence or office. Business owners can connect with clients and employees and hold discussions. Strategic planning and meetings which require several members to be a present can be carries out with ease. You get the option of talking to multiple people at the same time and carry out your business strategies with ease. Thus projects get completed faster and deals get finalised within a short period of time.

Increased Productivity

As a result of improved communications, participants are more in sync, decisions are able to be made faster and productivity increases. Problems can be resolved faster and services for clients can be developed more quickly, providing a serious competitive edge for your company.

Improves Attendance

It’s often challenging to coordinate busy schedules and bring staff together for in-person meetings. Video conferencing allows the kind of flexibility that can boost meeting attendance rates, and record the discussion for non-attendees.

Increase Communication Reliability

Video conferencing provides a fast and secure way to communicate with your teams. As video continues to evolve into a business-critical function, it’s important to prioritise enterprise-class service reliability and support reliability in your solution.

Save Time and Money on your Travels

It saves time and money related to business travel. Business owners connect with people by video conference for routine meetings, negotiating deals, interviewing candidates, etc. Thus a lot of money gets saved from the cost of travelling to different locations. This is greatly beneficial for a company as they start getting more returns. Thus video conferencing plays a key role in reduced costs of running the business.


Reduced commuting time is one of the most obvious but significant benefits of video conferencing. In-person meetings with suppliers, clients and satellite offices can take up valuable hours of your day; even an hour-long meeting can quickly eat up an entire morning when accounting for travel time, making it a frustrating and inefficient activity.  And if sustainability is a mandate in your organisation, teleconferencing is a far greener alternative than in-person meetings.

Employee Retention

The mobility offered by cloud-based video conferencing positively contributes to employee retention. Less travel requirements allow a better work/life balance. Now employees can choose to work from home to alleviate cost of commuting. Remote employees can still have close relationships with team members, as real-time interactions are richer than any alternative options.

Connects Teams

Teams are becoming increasingly geographically separated for several reasons. Freelancers and even permanent staff may be working from home. Some are contractors working from other continents, and some are simply on the road for business purposes. But vast distances don’t matter when you can bring your team together. Video conferencing, can make things ease either for regular meetings or spur-of-the-moment check-ups.

Simplify Management and Usability

Teams need access to the collaboration solutions that let them meet via audio conferencing, video conferencing, screen sharing and real-time instant messaging. But relying on too many desperate solutions can over complicate everything. By deploying a consolidated online meeting solution with a simple UI that is centrally managed, teams can focus on their meetings instead of being burdened with  troubleshooting every meeting.

Gives you a sustained competitive advantage

When you consider all of these advantages combined, it’s easy to see how video conferencing provides a strong competitive edge for your business. With lower costs, increased team unity and more productive meetings, you can streamline many of your current tasks and increase collaboration at the same time.

Contact Me Today!

If you are interested in working from home, then message me today for a free one-on-one session on how you too can start working remotely from home! It’s a great New Opportunity!

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